How Byway works

Flight-free made easy
All transport and accommodation included

Journeys you’ll love
Created by sustainable travel experts

5 star support
Chat with your trip lead on WhatsApp

How to book

Byway trip builder


the number 1 in an orange circle

Browse our best-selling trips built by flight-free travel experts or build a custom-made trip by answering questions about what you’re looking for.


the number 2 in a yellow circle

Happy with your trip? When you hit “Book” you can add in any requests like dietary requirements or travel times.

We’ll then secure your stays, tickets and confirm the details of your trip.

Get excited

the number 3 in a blue circle

Start counting down the days until your trip!

Your trip lead will send you your self guided itinerary including check-in details, travel tickets and recommendations for local activities and eateries.


Your trip lead will invite you to a WhatsApp group for on-trip support, tips and disruption rerouting.

If there are any travel disruptions during your trip, your trip lead is on hand to get things back on track.

Frequently asked questions

What’s included?

Our price includes all of your holiday transport, accommodation and a personalised itinerary for your trip. You'll also have our travel experts on WhatsApp all holiday for disruption support and travel tips.

Is it a tour? Will anyone else be there?

All Byway trips are self-guided. We book transport and accommodation, and send you a personalised itinerary. You won’t meet anyone from Byway, or be travelling with a tour group but we will be on WhatsApp if you have any questions.

How do you deal with travel disruptions?

If travel restrictions due to Covid or other situations mean you can’t take your holiday, we can move your dates, change routes or issue a full refund, no questions asked.

Can I change my plans?

Yep! We always book flexible tickets so that you can adjust your trip before you go or while you're away if your plans change. We’re happy to advise on updated times/schedules.

Any other questions? Email us: