Dog friendly train holidays

Flight-free made easy
All transport and accommodation included

Journeys you’ll love
Created by sustainable travel experts

5 star support
Chat with your trip lead on WhatsApp

Care about your pooch and the planet?

There’s no need to leave your four-legged travel buddy behind; our selection of dog-friendly breaks have been designed with your pooch front of mind. Discover our top dog-friendly hotels, puppy-proof transport and beautiful landscapes with all the best sticks.

Our trips do not include pet insurance. Please refer to the Government website for advice on travelling abroad with pets. Trips include travel, accommodation, WhatsApp support, activity suggestions and our package protection.

Please note that some hotels will only accept small pets and some transport providers require your pet to travel in a carrier throughout the journey.

Stick-chasing in Snowdonia

Mountains for climbing, glens for swimming and sticks for chasing await in the beautiful landscape Snowdonia, with the dog-loving Gwydyr Hotel as your base.

LePet Express to Normandy

All aboard LePet Express: a purpose-built minibus designed for travellers with two legs and four. Kick back for five days in the heart of Normandy.

Dog’s own country

Based in Malton (voted the UK’s most dog-friendly town), the Talbot’s canine concierge provides first-class dog-friendly hospitality in the heart of Yorkshire.

Doggy-paddle in the Isle of Arran

Relax in the boat pet lounge as you sail to the Isle of Arran for treats on-demand at the Auchrannie Resort, complete with onsite dog-friendly restaurant.

Cornish spa break

St Michael’s spa hotel offers some serious pampering for you and your pooch. Bound across beaches and enjoy one of Cornwall’s most dog-friendly spa hotels.

Dog-friendly Dutch coast

Dog-friendly beaches abound on the Netherlands’ coast. Sail overnight for swims and strolls - don’t miss a trip on Scheveningen’s dog-friendly ferris wheel.

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